Biz Rant: Sears Taking On Netflix? Really?

According to a variety of articles, Sears has decided that the way to save their struggling business is to take on Netflix in a new video streaming venture. Really? Which Ivy-League educated C-level exec came up with this genius idea?

Let’s be honest. Sears hasn’t been a relevant business for decades and somehow, the gang that couldn’t shoot straight will take on Netflix, which has not only beat Blockbuster (an easy win, I think) but Walmart (no easy feat).

To me, this decision goes to the heart of what is different between small businesses and large businesses. I could further say that this is the key difference between large businesses that think like small ones (Netflix) and ogres that think like multi-headed beasts (Blockbuster and now Sears).

Decisions to expand business into new territories are typically based on good rationales in well-run companies whereas larger businesses seem to think, “Oh there’s a business that’s doing well. Let’s compete with them.” No one seems to ask, “Well do we have any expertise in this?”

Small Business Tax Break

Just a quick post about a possible tax break available for small businesses before the end of the year. Check it out.

Wrapping Spring Rolls Yourself…

I just came back from lunch at the delicious Pho Convoy here in San Diego. While there I got to make my own spring rolls from incredible beef wrapped in grape leaves.

Of course, my spring rolls were poorly constructed, had no architectural strength and generally failed in every areas that professionally put-together spring rolls fall into. The thing is though, how unique an experience is it to make your own spring rolls. How many people reading this even know that there are Vietnamese restaurants where you can do the same thing in your city?

I would bet close to 98% don’t know about it and my point is to tie this to marketing. In your business, you have equivalent cool things you’re doing that people don’t know about. What is your “make-your-own-springroll” feature? Find it and start making sure people know.

Lazy, Successful Marketing: Have Your Customers Do The Work For You…

Great marketers are successful for one very important reason: they listen to customers and convert that feedback into great marketing campaigns.

The thing is though…anyone can do this in their business. When you talk to customers, do you really listen? Do you hear what they’re not saying as well as what they’re saying? Some of the best marketing slogans, the best summaries of your services, the best descriptions, will come from listening to customers.

Here’s the great thing: it’s a lazy, simple way to get great marketing. The next time you talk to customers, ask for their feedback. Then listen. I bet you’ll find something that might turn your business around.

Case Study: How To Name A Business…

In my experience, the best business names tell a story. Instead of just naming your company “Your Name” Plumbing, it’s best to think about what would excite and intrigue your customers.

A great, great example of this is a Vietnamese restaurant I stumbled upon recent trip to San Francisco. My Father’s Kitchen is such a personal, story-rich name that if I hadn’t eaten, I would have gone in right away. It’s clear that I’m going to get an experience informed by the owner’s childhood.

Try to apply this when coming up with a business name. What’s the shortest way to tell the story of your business in its name?

Amazing Yelp Marketing Ahead…

I’ve talked about Yelp before.It’s my strong feeling that while Yelp’s sales tactics are abominable, small businesses can get a great deal of business from Yelp. Well, I’ve discovered a Yelp marketing superstar that I just had to share.

Two weekends ago, my friend and I visited San Francisco for a “food-cation”. We ate at great, cheap restaurants and had a wonderful time. One of the restaurants we went to was Burma Superstar. Burma Superstar not only has incredible Burmese food but amazing mastery of Yelp. Here’s why I’ve come to that conclusion. Let’s take a look at their Yelp mobile page.

First off, notice their coupon. It simply says, “Diners check-on Facebook/Yelp gets a complimentary Thai Iced Tea! Please check with server.” Why is this brilliant?

Well it probably helps to define checking-in first. This is when you use your smartphone’s GPS to verify your location and announce to the world where you are now. Every time you check in, your location is broadcast on Facebook, Yelp or Twitter. It’s a way to share cool bars, restaurants or businesses with friends. So, what Burma Superstar has done is to encourage you to share them with your friends and it only cost them a Thai iced tea.

With great marketing like this, it’s hard not to see why Burma Superstar has so many reviews on their Yelp page. Currently clocking in 2,390 reviews, Burma Superstar not only exceeds the average number of reviews for ethnic restaurants but almost any restaurant in San Francisco.

How can you steal what Burma Superstar has done for your own business? What can you give people for checking in? How can you promote yourself even more effectively?

New Video: The Linkery Spills Their Secrets…

I’ve just uploaded an interview I did with Jay Porter of the Linkery. This amazing restaurant has been doing some of the most unique, personal marketing I’ve ever encountered. In this video, Jay gives away the secrets of their marketing and things he’s learned. Enjoy…

Is Etsy The Future?

I came across this fascinating and hopeful article on unemployed people using Etsy to make a living. Is this future? Check it out here.

Stop Pretending To Be Mediocre: A Short Manifesto…

“Your talent is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God.” — Leo Buscaglia

Me As A Baby

Me As A Baby

My mom didn’t love me.

She was, however, clearly threatened by me. Years 0-16 were filled with a steady diet of Mom’s manipulations and mixed messages.

Off-balance. Confused. This was how I felt around her. More importantly, this was how she wanted me to feel.

And although it’s awkward to start a blog post with this bit of personal background, I have to say I’m grateful to her. She taught me the truth about the lengths that other people will go to keep you non-threatening. The sad, unspoken truth about being the best version of yourself is…

…it’s terribly lonely. This is the sad truth that everyone knows but no one says aloud.

The overweight person who self-sabotages his diet with the illicit stash of snickers knows this. The middle manager who talks of nothing but the misery of her job but does nothing to change things knows this. Every single person who goes to sleep with the sad realization that they’re not using their talents knows this.

It’s comforting to stick to the failings we know. Why venture into territories where we could fail or more importantly, lose our friends, our family and bearings?

Because the truth of the matter is that once we acknowledge the genius that’s inside of all of us, there’s an obligation to that genius. That’s why it’s so much easier to worry about our weight, our constant stream of bad relationships or poor decisions.

And aside from the just general “best practices” approach of being the most amazing person you can be, the recession has made being anything else an economic death sentence. Let me explain…

…look around at the economy. We’re seeing a shift away from the TV-industrial complex, as Seth Godin says. In the time from the 1950s until a few years ago, success could be guaranteed by having more cash than the next guy. Produce a shitty product, spent a shitload of money and you have a hit. Of course, it’s soulless and without passion but why let that stop you?

That economy got critically injured in 2009 and it’s slowly dying every day. Have you seen the fate of shitty, stupid companies? Good Guys? Gone. Blockbuster Video? Gone. Circuit City? Gone. GM and Chrysler? Should be gone.

The same thing is true for people looking for jobs. Before 2009, if you had a decent resume and sent out enough of them, you could probably score a job relatively easily. Not now. There are legions of 99ers, folks who’ve been out of work for 99+ days.

The simple point is: if you’re not bringing all of yourself to the table, either as a business owner or a potential employee, you’re in trouble. We don’t have the luxury we did a few years ago where we can camouflage ourselves as a non-threat to the folks who worry about such things.

The only way forward is to be excellent. To be astounding. To inspire jealousy among the stupids. To state publicly and unequivocally, “Fuck you. This is who I am.”

A few years back, I had a computer programmer friend who was out of work. When I asked him what computer languages he knew and what his skills were, he’d say “I’m alright at PERL.” Really? That’s it? That’s all you have to say for yourself? What are you fucking amazing at? What can no one touch you? What makes you not a commodity?

A friend who works at a staffing company tells me about the hundreds of resumes they receive each day. Most have no cover letter. Most lack any passion. Most don’t even bother to read what the job they’re applying for is.

In the end, being amazing is the only way to go through life. Sure, you’ll burn off folks like my mom but they’re not really worth your time. Go forth and be yourself.

Should We Worry About This Entreprenuerial Survey?

A fascinating article reports that the US is now ranked sixth in terms of entrepreneurial performance. Basically, due to the lousy economy, people’s view of entrepreneurship, and a host of other factors, the US is apparently behind Denmark and Canada.

I’m not sure how seriously to take the findings or conclusions of the report but it’s worth noting. If the US loses it’s edge for creating new businesses, we are really in trouble. Change comes not from soulless, worthless big businesses but from small ones with a vision. If you trace almost any major innovation, you’ll see there was an entrepreneur behind it.

It’s so important not to let the recession crush our entrepreneurial spirit. Keep fighting my friends.