
“I’m Sorry”: The Two Most Important Words A Business Can Utter…

I’m in the middle of a great book, Predictably Irrational (amazon affiliate link). The author, Dan Ariely, gives specific examples of irrational behavior rules our behavior. In the chapter on revenge and how we desire to punish folks who treat us unfairly, Ariely details a mind-blowing experiment. The Revenge Experiment… The experiment, setup to test […]

Another Shuttered Business…

Lights off. Doors locked. This is how I found of my favorite lunch spots today. I’m not sure if this is a case of someone being sick or if it’s a sign that this restaurant is closing for good. I get tired of seeing businesses offering great products or services close. What’s worse they usually […]

Awesome Interview: Gary Kremen

The incredible blog has just released a great interview with leading Internet entrepreneur, Gary Kremen. So worth your time! Check it out here. Tweet This Post

Keep Austin Weird?

On or around 2003, the Austin Independent Business Alliance came up with a masterstroke of marketing. Frustrated with the encroachment of corporate chains into Austin, they started creating free bumper stickers with three little words on it… “Keep Austin Weird” Their goal was to keep as many of the original small businesses that made Austin, […]

Be Like Kimchi…

This is going to offend my Korean readers but I really don’t like Kimchi. It’s fermented cabbage and it’s bitter, vinegary, spicy and sour. Every time I try it I scratch my head why people like it. The thing is… …millions of kimchi fans disagree with me, vehemently. South Korea is obsessed with it. It’s […]

The Food Truck: The Model For Recession-born Businesses?

The awesome pig-shaped food truck in the above photo is Maximum Minimus, a unique dining experience in Seattle, Washington. The truck parks at different places throughout the week and customers find them, looking for their legendary pulled pork sandwiches. Maximum Minimus isn’t the only amazing food truck serving great, gourmet food at discount prices. There’s […]

Flip Mini Camera: The Best $200 You’ll Ever Spend?

With marketing budgets for small businesses slashed, it’s understandable that even small purchases must pay for themselves. That said, I think the $200 you’ll spend on the Flip HD Camera (affiliate link) is well worth it. The Flip HD Camera is the simplest, easiest way to start creating videos for your company. Buy the camera, […]

Crowdsourcing: How I Had The recessionRebirth Logo Created…

When I came up with the company name of recessionRebirth, I knew that the logo had to be striking and immediately clear. Getting it created wasn’t going to easy. Here’s the logo I had created and here’s how I created it: The Logo… How I Had It Created It… When I was thinking about what […]

Authenticity Without Trying…

A few weeks ago, at my friend’s apartment building, one of the kids in the complex started collecting money to help the oil-slicked birds in the gulf. After her hard work, she posted the above note thanking everyone. It struck me that this is authenticity without trying. Hand-written, darling and completely clear, this is communication […]

Tabletop Confirmation: Are You Showing Off Your Accolades?

Last night, with a few hours to spare before our concert in L.A., my friend and I debated where to eat. Our first search was, of course, on our Yelp! iPhone app. Yelp’s #11 best restaurant in L.A. was Jitlada Thai Restaurant, an mid-range hole-in-the-wall in a strip mall. From what the 448 reviews said, […]